Lee International

Lee News

01 July 2020

Patent Attorney Woo-Ri KO, and Trainee Patent Attorney Si-Jin KIM Joins Firm

Woo-Ri KO joined Lee International in 2020.  Ms. Ko specializes in patent prosecution and litigation in the technical field of chemistry including organic and inorganic compounds, and electrochemical devices. Ms. Ko is a graduate of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) receiving B.S. in Chemistry in the year of 2011 and was admitted to practice as Kor…

17 March 2020

Trainee Patent Attorneys from Lee International Dominated 1st to 3rd place in the KIPO Training Program

To become a patent attorney in Korea, one must pass the “Patent Attorney Qualification Examination,” which is a national exam.  The “Patent Attorney Qualification Examination,” which is offered once a year, is an examination that requires one of the highest levels of academic competency in Korea, such as the “Judicial Examination” for judges, prosecutors, and lawyers, and the…

03 January 2020

Patent Attorney Kun-Kang YOON and Ah-Young KIM Joins Firm

Kun-Kang YOON  is a patent attorney at Lee International IP & Law Group. Specialized in mechanical engineering technologies, Mr. Yoon has been conducting numerous patent prosecutions.Prior to joining Lee International, Mr. Yoon worked as a patent attorney at Dooho IP Law Firm (2017-2019), and graduated from Korea University (B.A. in Mechanical Engineering) in 2017 and was admit…

02 January 2020

Starting the New Year with the New Slogan: “20% Growth with our 20s' Passion

Lee International IP & Law Group had a kick-off meeting for the new year on January 2, 2020 in front of Palgakjeong (octagonal pavilion) on the top of the Namsan Mountain (its height: 262m).It was a freezing-cold morning at -5℃, but all the employees' faces glowed with the delight of starting the new year in a hopeful and enthusiastic mood. The new slogan “20% Growth with …

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