Lee International is heavily involved in the semiconductor industry and represents numerous clients related to semiconductor technologies including those providing semiconductor materials, semiconductor devices, semiconductor manufacturing processes and semiconductor equipment. We leverage our vast experience in the full range of semiconductor technologies to counsel clients from developing a patent portfolio to safeguarding their key technologies.
Lee International capably represents companies on assets related to data storage technologies including D-RAM, NAND flash, flash-based storage and HDD.
Lee International has worked in nearly every field of display technology. Our firm beneficially represents companies on matters related to display technologies including materials, elements and driver circuits for LED and OLED, and 3D displays.
Our firm also sagely advises and represents companies in matters related to electrical and electronic circuits, including analog and digital signal processing circuits, power management circuits, sensors and MEMS.
Terry Taehong KIM
Chief Managing Partner / Patent Attorney
Partner / Patent Attorney
Gon-Uk HUH
Partner / Patent Attorney
Partner / Patent Attorney
Dong-Yup KIM
Affiliated Patent Attorney
Hyun-Sue SHEEN
Patent Attorney
Young-Bo SHIM
Patent Attorney
Kyoung-In PARK
Patent Attorney
Min-Kyung KIM
Patent Attorney
Young-Il YOON
Patent Attorney
Jae-Gap KIM
Patent Attorney / Attorney at Law (IL)
Dong-Woo LEE
Patent Attorney
Jeong-A NOH
Patent Attorney
Bo-Young HAN
Patent Attorney
Chan-Hoi KIM
Patent Attorney
Woo-Hyeon HWANG
Patent Attorney
Jin-Uk YUN
Patent Attorney
Sung-Ho HONG
US Patent Agent / Technical Advisor
Ji-Hyun KIM
Foreign Attorney
Jeong-Hwan LEE
Senior Advisor
Moon-Seob SONG
Senior Advisor