Lee International

Hee-Won SEO

Patent Attorney

Hee-Won Seo is a patent attorney at Lee International IP & Law. Her practice areas focus on trademarks, designs, copyrights, unfair competition laws and domain names.

Ms. Seo has a deep understanding of the international registration system of the trademark and design systems and practices around the world, having worked for many years on worldwide trademark and design registration and dispute resolution for Korean large conglomerates (Samsung Electronics, CJ Group, etc.). Also, as a mediator of the Korean Intellectual Property Office's Industrial Property Dispute Mediation Committee, she has mediated many dispute cases related to trademarks, designs and unfair competition, helping her when she strives to provide the most effective and efficient solutions to protect the intellectual property rights of the clients.

Hee-Won Seo graduated from Korea University, Business Administration in 1994. She speaks fluent English and has Japanese language skills. Ms. Seo is a member of the Korean Patent Attorneys Association.

T. 82-2-2262-6407

F. 82-2-2273-4605

Practice Area

  • Filings, registrations, trials, litigation and analysis related to domestic and international trademarks, designs, domain names, copyrights and unfair competition laws


  • Completed the Civil Litigation Practice Training for Patent Attorneys, Korean Patent Attorneys Association (2001~2002)

  • Korea University (B.A., Business Administration, 1994)


  • Lee International IP & Law (2025~Present)

  • Lecturer, Hanbit Patent Attorney Institute (Trademark Law Cases) (2024)

  • Partner, S.Y.CHA PATENT OFFICE (2022~2024)

  • Mediator, Industrial Property Dispute Mediation Committee (Trademarks and Design Rights), Korean Intellectual Property Office (2021~Present)

  • Appraiser in Foreign Trademark Dispute Cases, Trade Committee of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (2021)

  • Trademark Team Lead, & Partner, Bae, Kim & Lee IP (2019~2022)

  • Patent Attorney (Trademark and Design Department), Y. P. Lee, Mock & Partners (2001~2005, 2018)

  • Partner, Yaejune Patent & Trademark Law Firm (2014~2018)

  • Partner, DONG WON Patent & Law Firm (2008~2014)

  • Patent Attorney, Y.S.CHANG & ASSOCIATES (2006~2008)

  • Patent Attorney, JIPYONG LLC (2005~2006)

  • Lecturer, Korea Intellectual Property Institute (IP-NET) (Trademark Laws) (2001)

  • Member, Information System Team, Hanwha Financial (1996~1998)

  • Completed software engineer course, Samsung SDS (1996)

  • Member, Overseas Technology Division, Hyundai Heavy Industries (1994~1996)


  • Admitted as a Korean Patent & Trademark Attorney (2000)


  • Korea Patent Attorneys Association (KPAA)

Publications / Presentations

  • Study on the U.S. Trademark Registration Procedures from a Comparative Perspective between the Countries under the Principle of Use and the Countries under the Principle of Registration in the Trademark System, Training Paper of the Korean Patent Attorneys Association (2001)

  • Study on the Relationship of Rights under Trademark Laws for Book Titles, JIPYONG LLC (2006)

  • Lecture on Brand Strategies and Trademark System for CJ Brand Practitioners (2002~2003)

  • Lecture on Trademark Cases, Samsung Electronics Legal Department (IP) (2021)


  • Languages : Korean, English, Japanese
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