Patent Attorney
Da-Wun Kim is a patent attorney at Lee International IP & Law. After being admitted as a patent attorney, Kim is in charge of general patent related matters such as domestic/overseas patent filings, patent examination, trials and so on.
Prior to joining the Firm, Da-Wun Kim was a patent attorney of Machinery Team at Koreana Patent Firm (2018-2021) where she took charge of preparation of patent specifications for filings, response to the notice of opinion submission from the Korean Intellectual Property Office, handling of appeals against decision of refusal, filing of patent cancellation applications, provision of information, FTO investigation and so on.
Da-Wun Kim graduated Seoul National University (B.S., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2018) and is fluent in English and can handle practical affairs in English.
T. 82-2-2262-6135
F. 82-2-2273-4605