Lee International

IP News

09 February 2021

Successful Appeal against KIPO’s final rejection of an invention related to a surface-coated calcium carbonate-comprising material for using in waste water purification

On November 18, 2020, Lee International received a favorable decision from the Intellectual Property Trial and Appeal Board (IPTAB) in an appeal against the Final Rejection in respect of a surface-coated calcium carbonate-comprising material. The Claimed Invention is related to a surface-coated calcium carbonate-comprising material, and characterized by coating anionic polymer having a negati…

29 July 2020

Victory of the Street Fashion Brand “Supreme ”

The Intellectual Property Trial and Appeal Board (IPTAB) of the Korean Intellectual Property Office has recently acknowledged that the mark “ (Supreme + device)” owned by Chapter 4 Corp. (“Chapter 4’s Mark”) is broadly known as a source indicator of a specific person among general consumers in Korea or is at least recognized as a d…

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